The Japanese Masks

The use of Masks in Japan extends back into prehistory; however they are still used today as well. Japanese Masks such as Japanese Demon Oni maskthe Japanese Fox kitsune mask"Hannya mask" & Samurai mask are decorative and can be seen in art festivals, special events, dances, and on stage. Most of the traditional Japanese Masks are based on myths or ancient Folktales. These types of masks have become some of the most popular Japanese masks that you’ll see today. Japanese Masking goes back centuries with roots tied to religious ceremonies used in Shinto practices in Japan between 800-1600 AD.

These days, any person can purchase traditional Japanese Masks for decoration purposes at festivals and special events around the world, but it is important to know where they originated from the history behind why these symbols were created. These fashion accesories are believed to ward off evil spirits.

  • AlexTan


    comes in parts but it's easy to assemble, comfortable to the extent of the possibilities of a face mask, easy to put on and take off.

  • John


    I am happy with purchase. Decent quality, size should fit and i'm a big guy.